05 January 2010

Mini Me MooBee!!

The day has come, when the MooBee has sat in front of her very first sewing machine.

A proud moment for me.

The look of concentration.  The utter disregard for the mess that is the spare front room.  All focus on the task at hand.

So proud...

In fact the MooBee sat sewing with me (my mess sewing room is behind where I'm taking the photo) for the better part of the day learning to thread the machine, wind thread on a bobbin and stitch in straight lines!  Normally sitting still for 10 minutes would throw my gymnastics loving child into a compulsive fit.

But sit still she did for sewing.

Here is a picture of her first creation - a group of charm squares that she stitched together and stretched over a canvas to use as a wall hanging:

The love of creating is a genetic gift (well, I think it is) and I'm so glad that I have passed it on to my MooBee!  Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring if this is any indication of how happy she is:

 Happy crafting!


  1. How fantastic! And what a great way to display her first creation

  2. She was so excited! I think it's that feeling of success that is so fantastic :)

  3. Karen.. what a wonderful wonderful thing to share with MooBee. Her first creation is fabulous. What a proud moment for you both!


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