07 October 2009


Whilst desperately trying to get this Blog up and going in the middle of school holidays (what on earth was I thinking!) I have also decided to add a new line of handmade goods to my Etsy shop.  I am making Personalised Bunting - perfect for kids rooms or indeed for any space where you would like a little bit of inspiration.  For those of you not familiar with bunting, here's a picture of some of my work:
Whilst that item is hot off the press today - more will be up on MooBeeTees soon.  I'm also looking at creating inspirational words, such as 'Dream' and 'Love'.  If you are interested in having something personally crafted for you contact me at MooBeeTees.
Whilst promoting my own designs, I will also be using my Blog to promote other artisans and their work - particularly those who I use.  My first 'interview' will be coming up soon, so keep your eyes open for that.
If you would like to feature on my Blog - let me know.  I'm always happy to help a fellow crafer :-)
Have a great one...


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